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Upcoming Events

President’s Message

Greetings Everyone, As we chill through this year’s snow and salty winter months, the bright side is our Club activities are picking up the southern jet stream and as it gets warmer we are ramping up our events schedule.

We celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the Chesapeake Region’s Slot Car Event and Chili Cook Off in early February.  In case you were wondering, chili was served at the first event in 1995 and became a tradition.  The event was a sell out and…

Discover Membership

“It’s not just the cars… it’s the people!” – that’s the PCA motto. We all like to see and admire the cars. With events in your region, zone or nationally, your going to meet some great people that love their cars too.

Porsche Patter

The Chesapeake Region’s newsletter, Porsche Patter, is an online publication hosted on where you can read online or download a PDF copy. It covers club events, member profiles, member article submissions and more.

With more than 700 issues across 65 volumes, Porsche Patter has kept Chesapeake PCA members on top of the comings and goings of the region and all things Porsche.

Dive in.


Porsche Hunt Valley

Porsche Silver Spring

Porsche Annapolis

Porsche Owings Mills

PCA National & PCA Zone 2 Links